Buying or selling a home is probably the most significant financial transaction that anyone undertakes in their lifetime. While this can be an exciting time, without the proper legal guidance, the process can be frustrating, overwhelming and more expensive than necessary. Even if there are no obvious disagreements between the Buyer and Seller it is advisable for each party to enter into real estate transactions with their own attorney who can help steer them away from common pitfalls and make the transaction an enjoyable experience.
We represent Buyers, Sellers and Financial Institutions from drafting a Purchase and Sale Contract through obtaining the final Title Insurance Policy.
We offer our clients broad based real estate legal advice and representation in the following transactions:
Real Estate Sales Transactions
Construction Contracts
Mortgage-Based Financing Transactions
Michael D. Tannenbaum serves clients in legal matters related to Estate Planning, Estate Administration, Asset Protection, Business Succession Planning, Elder Care Planning, Tax Planning, and Real Estate closing in Palm Beach, Dade, Broward, and Martin Counties. His offices are located in West Palm Beach.